
How long would it take for our spaceship in the previous question to travel from the sun to Alpha Centauri give your answer in years?

How long would it take for our spaceship in the previous question to travel from the sun to Alpha Centauri give your answer in years?

If New Horizons were aimed toward the Alpha Centauri system, which it isn’t, it would take this spacecraft about 78,000 years to get there. So conventional rockets won’t work because they are too slow.

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How fast must a spacecraft travel relative to the Earth for each day on the spacecraft corresponds to 2 days on Earth?

Originally Answered: How fast much a spacecraft travel relative to the earth for each day on the spacecraft to correspond two days on the earth? 86.6\% of the speed of light will dilate time by a factor of two. This is 259,620,269 m/s.

How many year a spacecraft Travelling at the speed of a jet will take to reach Sun?

How many years would it take a rocket traveling at the speed of the International Space Station to make this journey? Answer: Time = 4,500,000,000 km / 28,000 km/h = 160714 hours or 6696 days or 18.3 years. Problem 3 – The fastest unmanned spacecraft, Helios-2, traveled at a speed of 253,000 km/hr.

What is the speed of the spaceship relative to Earth?

A spacecraft travels at speed v=0.5c relative to the Earth.

How long does it take light to travel a distance of 1 AU?

499.0 seconds
Light travels at a speed of 299,792 kilometers per second; 186,287 miles per second. It takes 499.0 seconds for light to travel from the Sun to the Earth, a distance called 1 Astronomical Unit.

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How fast does the space station travel?

4.76 miles/s
International Space Station/Speed on orbit

How do you calculate the speed of a spacecraft?

As seen in the equation v = SQRT(G * Mcentral / R), the mass of the central body (earth) and the radius of the orbit affect orbital speed. The orbital radius is in turn dependent upon the height of the satellite above the earth.

What is the formula for relative velocity?

Key Equations

Position vector →r(t)=x(t)^i+y(t)^j+z(t)^k
Relative velocity equation connecting two reference frames →vPS=→vPS′+→vS′S
Relative velocity equation connecting more than two reference frames →vPC=→vPA+→vAB+→vBC
Relative acceleration equation →aPS=→aPS′+→aS′S

How fast does light travel in a nanosecond?

approximately 1 foot per nanosecond
Summary. The speed of light in a vacuum is the same constant in all inertial (i.e. non-accelerating) frames of reference. Light travels approximately 1 foot per nanosecond or 186 miles per millisecond or 300,000 kilometers per second.

How far in feet does light travel through space in 1 ns?

The speed of light passes almost 0.98 feet in one nanosecond.