
How many days of lap in a calendar year a permanent temporary train servant shall be entitled to?

How many days of lap in a calendar year a permanent temporary train servant shall be entitled to?

LEAVE ON HALF AVERAGE PAY [LHAP] (Para 526 of R-I): A Railway servant, permanent or temporary, (*) including the one serving in a Railway School is entitled for 20 days LHAP in a calendar year afforded in advance in two installments on 1st January and 1st July every year at 10 days each W.E.F 01.01.

How many days of LHAP can be accumulated to an employee in his service life?

20 days

Kinds of Leave Eligibility
Leave on Half Average Pay (LHAP) 20 days in a year, credited in advance 1st jan
Leave not due 360 days maximum in one’s carrier.
Casual Leave 8 days from 1-1-1998
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What is a 2 medical standard in railway?

A-2 Physically fit in all respects. Visual Standards—Distance vision: 6/9,6/9 without glasses. Near Vision: Sn: 0.6, 0.6 without glasses and must pass test for Colour Vision, Binocular Vision, Field of Vision & Night Vision. A-3 Physically fit in all respects.

How many days of lap in a year can be credited to an employee?

Maximum LAP that can be sanctioned at a time is limited to 180 days. School staff are eligible for 10 days of LAP in a year which will be credited in advance in two installments of 5 days each on 1st of January and July every year. During the period of LAP normal salary is admissible.

Can casual leave be combined with lap?

Maximum 24 months LHAP can be sanctioned in a spell for the medical ground. Other than medical ground LHAP can be sanctioned without commuted the period. Both LAP and LHAP are sanctioned in a continuous spell, hence, it can’t be parted or combined with casual leave.

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How many days leave in Indian Railways?

No Railway servant shall be granted leave of any kind for a continuous period exceeding five years unless otherwise determined by the President in view of exceptional circumstances. Leave admissible : The rate at which leave at half average pay can be earned is 20 days for each completed year of service.

Is laser surgery allowed in Indian Railways?

correction, lasik surgery or any form of racial keratomy is not permitted at all. A-1: Physically fit in all respects. Visual Standards – Distant Vision: 6/6, 6/6 without glasses/contact lens.