
How many digits are used in numbering the pages of a 200 page book?

How many digits are used in numbering the pages of a 200 page book?

vomhorizon wrote: How many digits are required to number a book containing 200 pages? 9 pages from 1 to 9 will require 9 digits; 90 pages from 10 to 99 will require 90*2=180 digits; 200-(90+9)=101 pages will require 101*3=303 digits.

How many digits are used in writing the page numbers of the book from 1 to 500?

So all digits are used to number the book. If the pages are numbered starting from 1, then a book with 1369 pages will use 4369 digits for the page numbering. If there were 1370 pages in the book, then the book will use 4373 digits in the page numbering.

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How many digits have been used to number the pages of a book?

642 Digits have been used to print 250 Pages Learn more: Mrs Biczo stated that “a total of 690 digits were used in numbering A printer number the pages of blook starting with 1 and uses 3089 …

What is the total number of digits printed if a book containing 150 pages?

Answer Expert Verified Hence, total 342 digits are printed in the book which has 150 pages.

What is the total number of digits printed if a book containing 125 pages?

∴ 342 digits are printed in total.

How many digits are used to number a book containing 300 pages?

so the final answer is 600 hope it helped…..

How many digits are required for numbering 201 pages?

492 digits are required. If your book has no preface pages and foreword pages numbered by Roman numerals,then the answer is 492. To number 200 pages we need numbers 1-200 which includes 9 one digit numbers(1-9),90 two digit numbers(10-99) and 101 (100-200)three digit numbers.

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How do I find out how many pages are in my book?

Here’s a simple way to calculate your book’s approximate page count using the word count of your manuscript.

  1. Find your word count.
  2. Choose a trim size.
  3. Calculate the number of pages.
  4. Your word count divided by 390 = page count for a 5.5″ x 8.5″ book.
  5. Your word count divided by 475 = page count for a 6″ x 9″ book.

What is the total number of digits printed if a book containing 170 pages is to be numbered from 1 to 170?

Detailed Solution. ∴ 342 digits are printed in total.

What is the total number of digits used in numbering the pages of a book having 456 page?

Solution(By Examveda Team) of digits in 2-digit page nos. + No. of digits in 3- digit page nos.) = (1 x 9 + 2 x 90 + 3 x 267) = (9 + 180 + 801) = 990.

How many digits are used to number 1200 pages?

The answer is 3693 digits.