
How many hours does a Cambridge student study?

How many hours does a Cambridge student study?

In a not-so-shocking turn of events, it appears Cambridge students are the most studious in the UK, working on average nearly 48 hours per week, with Oxford students studying only a meagre 40 hours per week by comparison.

Is Cambridge really hard?

The Cambridge experience isn’t hard because of the university. It’s hard because of the students. The average Cambridge student is, I’d argue, so used to a life of hard work and being driven that the idea they might overindulge or become overweight is incomprehensible.

How long are lectures at Cambridge?

around 50 minutes
Lectures. Lectures act as a starting point for your own research and typically last around 50 minutes. Depending on the subject anywhere up to several hundred students may attend.

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Is Cambridge intense?

Terms at Cambridge are not only unusually short, they’re also unimaginably intense. Cambridge’s eight-week terms sometimes feel just as much a part of the experience as matriculation, formal dinners and May Week — another quirk to become accustomed to.

How can I do well in Cambridge?

Top Cambridge study tips!

  1. Manage your time efficiently.
  2. Figure out where you study best.
  3. Get up early!
  4. Chat up your supervisors/ lecturers/ lab technicians.
  5. Do the recommended reading *in advance*
  6. Join your subject society.
  7. Figure out what you actually need to know for the exams *before* Easter term.

Does Cambridge have Saturday lectures?

Ultimately, the allowance of Saturday lectures is pretty symptomatic of Cambridge expecting students to be able to cope with any level of gruelling timetabling. Some can manage, but most just can’t realistically work to that standard, or with that level of frequency.

How many weeks are in a Cambridge term?

eight weeks
University Full Term There are three terms per year: Michaelmas (running from October to December), Lent (January to March) and Easter (April to June). Each teaching term (also known as Full Term) is eight weeks long (with periods of time either side for private study in Cambridge, if a student so wishes).