
How many peas does a pea plant produce?

How many peas does a pea plant produce?

Planting a vegetable garden for a family

Crop (number of plants per ft. of row) Number of plants per person
Peas (6 plants/ft. of row) 15-20 plants
Pepper (1 plant/ft. of row) 3-5 plants
Potato (1 plant/ft. of row) 10 plants
Radish (thin to 12 plants/ft. of row) 10-15 plants

How many seeds does a pea pod have?

Sugar peas There are two main types: Snow peas have flat pods with thin pod walls. Pods and seeds are eaten when they are very young. Snap peas or sugar snap peas have rounded pods with thick pod walls.

What determines how many peas in a pod?

The number of peas or beans in each pod depends on the type of legume – broad beans may typically have seven, while snow peas can easily have nine tiny seeds per pod. They tend to be in odd numbers such as five, seven and nine.

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Are there 3 peas in a pod?

After Bonnie flips over her toy basket and leaves to make a “spaceship”, Woody backs away and bumps into the peapod. It unzips itself to reveal three plush peas named Peatey, Peanelope, and Peatrice.

How many varieties of peas are there?

three types
There are basically three types of peas: English peas, snow peas, and sugar snap peas. Each goes by multiple names, making the choice all the more confusing. But once you get the differences clear, you will probably want to grow some of each.

Do all peas grow in a pod?

Peas (Pisum sativum) are a cool weather crop, and to give the seeds time to go from flower to mature pea pod, you have to get them into the ground early in the spring. All pea plants blossom before pods develop, but exactly how long the pea takes to mature depends on the variety and the climate.

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How fast should peas grow?

Most varieties of peas are ready to harvest 60 to 70 days after planting.

Is it 2 or 3 peas in a pod?

Definition of two peas in a pod —used to say that two people or things are very similar to each other My brother and I are two peas in a pod. We both like the same things.