
How many seats are there in Symbiosis Pune for law?

How many seats are there in Symbiosis Pune for law?

Brief of Symbiosis law colleges

College accepting SLAT Course Offered Seat Intake
Symbiosis Law School (SLS), Pune BBA LLB (Hons) 180 seats
BA LLB (Hons) 120 seats
Symbiosis Law School (SLS), Noida BBA LLB 180 seats
BA LLB 120 seats

What is the expected cut off for slat 2021?

The law schools of Symbiosis will release the SLAT 2021 cut-off after each round of merit list….Expected SLAT Cutoff 2021.

Name of Institute Expected Cutoff Marks
1. SLS Pune 43-48
2. SLS Noida 43-45

Is there reservation in slat?

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The common reservation criteria of SLAT is given below….SLAT reservation policy.

Category Reservation
International students 15 \% (including foreign nationals, PIO and NRI)
Kashmiri Migrants 2 seats per programme
International students 15 \% (including Foreign Nationals, PIO and NRI)

What is slat cut off?

SLAT cut off 2021 – Importance As mentioned earlier, cut off sets benchmarks for admission to law schools of Symbiosis. Thus, tells the candidates about the minimum marks they need to score in the test to get a particulas SLS. The previous year cut off of different law schools of Symbiosis are given below.

What is the slat cut off for SIU?

Candidates who will be coming under the cut off of SLAT 2021 will be eligible for admission to the law school. Thus, SLAT cut off sets the minimum benchmark for admissions to the law schools affiliated with SIU.

What is the slat cut-off 2021?

The SLAT 2021 exam is scheduled from 10-12 July 2021. Candidates appearing for SLAT 2021 can refer to previous years SLAT Cut-off to get an idea of marks that are required to secure a seat in Symbiosis International University.

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How many seats are there in UG law at Symbiosis?

The law schools of Symbiosis offer a total of 1080 seats in UG law programmes. Question: In how many rounds SLAT 2021 cut off is released? The SLAT cut off is generally released in three rounds.

When will sysymbiosis International (Deemed University) release the cut-off?

Symbiosis International (Deemed University) will release the cut-off after the declaration of SLAT results. All the SLAT participating colleges release their merit lists on different timelines. SLAT 2021 will be conducted on May 1, 2021, and the result of the exam will be announced on July 8, 2021.