
How much do you earn in co op program?

How much do you earn in co op program?

Lakehead University Cooperative education or co-op is a great way for you to learn industry experience and network co-ops are always paid and you can get anywhere between 14 to thirty dollars an hour.

How much does a co op student make in Canada?

The average co op student salary in Canada is $40,721 per year or $20.88 per hour. Entry-level positions start at $36,153 per year, while most experienced workers make up to $48,824 per year.

Are co ops paid Canada?

Do we get paid in a co-op job? Yes. University and college students who are placed in companies or other organisations for their work terms get paid by their employers.

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How much money do you make in Waterloo coop?

Co-opera ve Educa on (co-op) is a work experience program that gives post-secondary students an opportunity to apply their academic learning through hands-on experience. Students are matched with employers and earn an average of $12,000 per 4-month co-op term.

How much do co-op students get paid in Ontario?

Co-Op Student in Toronto, ON Area Salaries

Job Title Location Salary
Canada Revenue Agency Co-Op Student salaries – 4 salaries reported Toronto, ON Area $18/hr
Government of Ontario, Canada Co-Op Student salaries – 4 salaries reported Toronto, ON Area $20/hr

Is co op in Canada paid?

Co-ops are paid, with the average salary varying depending on the student’s current education level, previous work experience and the province in which they work. In British Columbia, for example, the minimum wage is CAD 13.85 per hour, whereas in Ontario it is CAD 14.00.

Are university co ops paid?

Do you get paid in a co-op job? Yes, university and college students who are placed at companies or other organizations for their work terms are paid for their work.

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Is co op paid in Canada?

What is the minimum wage in Ontario?

$14.25 per hour
Currently, the minimum wage in Ontario is $14.25 per hour.