
How much do you get paid during CA Articleship?

How much do you get paid during CA Articleship?

Minimum Articleship Stipend as per ICAI

Classification of the Normal Place of Work of the Articled Assistant During the 1st year of Training
ii. Cities/ Towns having a population of more than 4 Lakhs but less than 20 Lakhs Rs. 1,500/-
iii. Cities/ Towns having a population of less than 4 Lakhs Rs. 1,000/-

How much does a CA intern earn?

CA Intern salary in India ranges between ₹ 0.2 Lakhs to ₹ 4.1 Lakhs with an average annual salary of ₹ 1.5 Lakhs.

Did ICAI doubled the stipend rates for articleship?

Yes! ICAI has doubled the stipend rates. These rates are applicable from 2015. In earlier post we have given What are the big 4 audit firms and How to apply in Big 4 for articleship. You can also get full details of “CA Articleship Registration Form | Last Date | Fees | Status Details” and ” Articleship Firms in Delhi and Chennai” in this article.

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How is the stipend of an ICAI assistant determined?

ICAI has determined the stipend as per the population of the place where the assistant is serving, as per ICAI guidelines if the population of place is more than 4 lakh and less than 20 lakh the stipend will be 2500 rs. while the places with less than 4 lakh population are considered into 2000 rs. stipend for an article.

What is the procedure of registration for CA articleship training?

The procedure of Registration for CA Articleship Training ICAI has made it mandatory for every CA student to complete the first 2 years of Articleship Training under a practicing Chartered Accountant while last year (optional) to serve under a Chartered Accountant in service.

How to enroll for articleship training in Chartered Accountants?

One can enroll for the Articleship Training by making the payment of Rs 2000/- as a Registration fee. The fee shall be paid by either Demand Draft or Bankers Cheque named with the “Secretary, The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India” and payable to the Mumbai/Kolkata/Chennai/Kanpur/New Delhi as the case may be.