
How much does a PPC specialist make?

How much does a PPC specialist make?

Most common benefits. The average salary for a ppc specialist is $58,730 per year in the United States.

What is PPC marketing specialist?

PPC specialists are experts in internet advertising, responsible for planning and optimising the effectiveness of online advertising campaigns. Pay-per-click (PPC) is the term used to refer to paid advertising on the internet, usually though Google AdWords or Bing Ads.

How do I become a PPC marketer?

How to Become a PPC Expert

  1. Focus On One Network. The first important step to becoming a PPC expert is to decide on a network.
  2. Understand The Most Important Metrics.
  3. Consider Doing PPC As A Career.
  4. Take Inspiration From Competitors.
  5. Become A Google Sheets / Excel Whizz.
  6. Practice Your Writing.
  7. Protect Your Valuable Ads.

What does a PPC Analyst do?

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PPC analysts are responsible for executing the company’s pay-per-click ad campaigns successfully. It includes strategizing, design, implementation and measuring the performance.

How do I hire a PPC specialist?

How to find a PPC expert

  1. Start with search.
  2. Ask industry colleagues.
  3. Decide if you need a consultant or an agency.
  4. Use a service like Credo.
  5. Questions to ask PPC experts.
  6. Culture fit.

How much do PPC consultants charge?

The average PPC company worldwide charges $136.85 per hour. The average PPC agency worldwide charges $136.87 per hour. The average PPC agency in the US charges $151.88 per hour. 84.74\% of PPC agencies charge between $50-$150/hr.

How much do Google ad specialists make per hour?

Google Adwords Specialist Salary

Annual Salary Hourly Wage
Top Earners $66,500 $32
75th Percentile $52,000 $25
Average $42,680 $21
25th Percentile $28,000 $13