
How much does it cost to send 1 lb to the moon?

How much does it cost to send 1 lb to the moon?

For the right price, it could still happen. Consider: According to Moon Express, its medium-term business plan (sans astronauts) is to shuttle mechanical payloads to the Moon for private customers paying approximately $1.5 million per pound.

How much does it cost to send 1kg to orbit?

As you will see SpaceX is giving the current companies a run for their money! The following costs per kilo are to LEO (Low Earth orbit ) which is an altitude of 160 to 2000 kilometers. Atlas V can launch 8123 kg for $164 Million per a 2015 about ULA’s rocket building & launch business. That works out to $20,200 per kg.

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How much does it cost to send food to ISS?

The policy now charges between $88,000 and $164,000 per person per day for pre-staging food and other cargo on the station for those missions on NASA cargo vehicles and for disposing cargo on those spacecraft.

Can anyone put a satellite in orbit?

You can send your own satellite into space with the help of NASA’s Cubesat Launch Initiative. This CSLI program makes space research more accessible than ever before in history! A cubesat can easily be built with off the shelf electronics and components and the launch itself costs about $40,000 dollars.

How much does it cost to put rockets into low Earth orbit?

Following the successful maiden flight of the SpaceX Falcon Heavy in February 2018, and with SpaceX advertising a US$90 million list price for transporting up to 63,800 kg (140,700 lb) to low-Earth orbit, U.S. President Donald Trump said: “If the government did it, the same thing would have cost probably 40 or 50 times …

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How much per pound does it cost to go to space?

Today, it costs $10,000 to put a pound of payload in Earth orbit. NASA’s goal is to reduce the cost of getting to space to hundreds of dollars per pound within 25 years and tens of dollars per pound within 40 years.

How much does it cost to put a pound into space?

That means each pound of cargo used to cost about $10,000 to ship on a shuttle. Orbital Science’s Cygnus spacecraft costs about $43,180 per pound to send things up, dividing the $1.9 billion contract by the maximum 20 metric tons of cargo the company is supposed to supply.