
How much returns do hedge funds make?

How much returns do hedge funds make?

Average gains of +4.00\% lifted YTD average returns to +11.02\%, past the level in 2019 (+10.07\%) and to the highest level since 2009 (+19.44\%). While average returns in 2020 were elevated, there have been several years of similar returns since 2009 (+10\% in 2019, +9\% in 2017, +10\% in 2013 and +11\% in 2010).

How much do hedge funds make per year?

Of course, not all hedge fund managers earn north of $1 billion per year. In fact, according to, the average hedge fund manager makes a paltry $62,614 per year.

Which hedge fund has the highest returns?

Top 20 Hedge Funds by 3-Year Annualized Weighted Return

Fund Manager Hedge Fund Ann. 3Y Return
Pat Dorsey Dorsey Asset Management 29.53\%
Julian Robertson Tiger Management 28.32\%
Patrick Degorce Theleme Partners 28.29\%
Beeneet Kothari Tekne Capital Management 28.11\%
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What is the most successful hedge fund?

George Soros’ Quantum Endowment fund has been named the world’s most successful hedge fund, after it gained $5.5 billion in 2013, bringing the total gains since inception to $39.6 billion.

What is the minimum investment for hedge funds?

The minimum investment required for investing in Hedge funds varies from fund to fund. Although some funds charge as low as US$10,000 but such fund is an exception.

What are the requirements for a hedge fund?

Hedge fund managers generally hold a bachelor’s degree or higher and also have several years of experience as a financial analyst. Students who are interested in becoming hedge fund managers can pursue a bachelor’s degree in finance or related concentrations such as accounting, economics, or business administration.

What is an absolute return hedge fund?

Absolute-return hedge funds as investments. Sometimes called a “non-directional fund,” an absolute-return fund is designed to generate a steady return no matter what the market is doing.