
How should you stand at the bus stop?

How should you stand at the bus stop?

People should stand in a Queue on the bus stop.

What should we keep in mind while getting in or off a moving bus?

Do not speak to or distract the driver while the bus is moving. If you see someone who is elderly, pregnant, mobility impaired or disabled, offer them your seat. Do not place bags on seats. Use the luggage racks where possible.

How do you stop a bus at your stop?


  1. Notify the bus driver when you wish to exit the bus. Simply pull the stop request cord that runs along the upper part of the windows, or push a stop request button, sometimes located above the rear door or on a pole.
  2. Use the rear door to exit.
  3. Move all the way into the bus.
  4. Keep aisles and exits clear.

What are 3 ways to stay safe in a vehicle?

6 Tips for a Safe Car Ride

  1. Always wear your seat belt. A seat belt should be on before the car moves, and should stay on until the engine is turned off at your destination.
  2. Use both lap and shoulder belts.
  3. Never share a seat belt.
  4. Ride in the backseat.
  5. Stay calm.
  6. Follow these rules all the time.
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What should you not do in a bus?

Teaching Your Child These Simple Bus Safety Rules Could Save Their Life

  • Never run to the bus stop if you’re late.
  • Never wear clothing with hanging drawstrings or loose straps.
  • Never stand close to the curb while waiting for the bus.
  • Don’t walk too close to the front of the bus.

Where’s the safest place to sit on a bus?

Sit towards the middle of the bus To find the safest seat on a bus, head for the middle. Choose a row as centrally located as possible and sit on the aisle, choosing the side of the bus farthest from opposing traffic. In America, this means sitting on an aisle seat on the right-hand side of the bus.