
How to join Navy Riverine?

How to join Navy Riverine?

Join the Navy on a SWCC package. Quit, negotiate orders to the RivRon and then tell everyone how you’re a Boat Guy just like us. Practice getting lost and surrendering to make sure your skills are sharp. Join the Navy and after bootcamp contact your detailer and request to be transfered to the Riverine force.

What is a brown water sailor?

The Brown Water Navy boats serving in the Vietnam War were a departure for the U.S. Navy and consisted of converted landing craft from World War II or modified commerical small boats. The boats were part of the River Patrol Force and Mobile Riverine Force, joint-operations between the U.S. Army and the U.S. Navy.

How many coastal riverine squadrons are there?

four squadrons
Coastal Riverine Group TWO is comprised of four squadrons. Squadrons 2, 4, 8, and 10 are home ported on the East Coast. Squadrons Two and Four are located in Little Creek VA.

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Is Navy a patrol boat?

The Mark VI is a class of patrol boat in service with the United States Navy, designed to patrol riverine and littoral waters. The first two Mark VI boats were delivered to Coastal Riverine Group TWO in September 2015.

How long is Navy SWCC training?

SWCC training is part of Naval Special Warfare School located in Coronado, CA. The program is nine weeks long, and is under the command of the Basic Underwater Demolition/SEAL training (BUD/S)….Navy SWCC PST Standards.

PST Event Minimum Standards Competitive Standards
1.5 Mile Timed Run 12:00 9-10 Minutes

What does a Navy Riverine do?

According to the Navy: “The Navy’s Riverine force focuses on conducting Maritime Security Operations and Theater Security Cooperation in a riverine area of operations or other suitable area. The force is capable of combating enemy riverine forces by direct fire, or by coordinating supporting fire.

What is Navy CRG?

CRG provides a core capability to defend designated high value assets throughout the green and blue-water environment and providing deployable Adaptive Force Packages (AFP) worldwide in an integrated, joint and combined theater of operations. (

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What does so1 mean in the Navy?

A staff officer of the first class, usually an officer of commander, lieutenant colonel or wing commander rank.