
How will you describe the Philippines before the coming of Spaniards?

How will you describe the Philippines before the coming of Spaniards?

Before the Spaniards came to the Philippines, the people lived in small towns called barangays. The people of the Philippines were not united under one government, but were under many smaller governments, and they had many different languages and many different dialects of each language.

What was the Philippines called before the Spanish came?

The Philippines were claimed in the name of Spain in 1521 by Ferdinand Magellan, a Portuguese explorer sailing for Spain, who named the islands after King Philip II of Spain. They were then called Las Felipinas.

How did the Spaniards describe the natives of the Philippines?

His account focused more on establishing a return route to New Spain and their interactions with the native population. He would describe the native Filipinos as “hostile” and “treacherous.”

What was Philippines before the colonizers came?

Philippines Before the Spanish Before European colonization, different parts of the Philippines at different times, were parts of or outposts for Southeast Asian kingdoms, most notably the powerful Majapahit Kingdom in East Java, which ruled over the islands of what is now Indonesian from 1294 to the 15th century.

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Who colonized the Philippines before Spanish?

Prior to Spanish colonization in 1521, the Filipinos had a rich culture and were trading with the Chinese and the Japanese. Spain’s colonization brought about the construction of Intramuros in 1571, a “Walled City” comprised of European buildings and churches, replicated in different parts of the archipelago.

What race is Philippines considered?

Officially, of course, Filipinos are categorized as Asians and the Philippines as part of Southeast Asia. But describing Filipinos as Pacific Islanders isn’t necessarily wrong either. In fact, for a long time, Filipinos were known as Pacific Islanders.