
Is 1 propanol and 2 propanol homologous?

Is 1 propanol and 2 propanol homologous?

(1) 1-Propanol & 2-Propanol (2) Ethanol & Propanol. (3) Acetone & Acetaldehyde (4) Acetic acid & Butyric acid. 2) Ethanol and Propanol are members of the homologous series of Alcohols, as the previous compound differs from the later by the addition of a CH. {which is the property of homologous series].

Is acetic acid and butyric acids are homologous?

Only acetic and butyric acids are part of a homologous series of compounds : in this case the short chain fatty acids.

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Which of the following pair is not homolog?

Answer: Butterfly and bat wings cannot be considered homologous organs as they have different basic designs.

Which of the following is homologue of acetone?

If you’re talking about acetone, then its homologue is ethyl methyl ketone.

What is the homologue of ch3 ch2 Oh?

Homologues of CH3CH2OH: CH3CH2CH2OH (propanol), CH3CH2CH2CH2OH (butanol),… Homologues of HCOOH: CH3COOH (ethanoic acid), CH3CH2COOH (propanoic acid),…

Which of the following compounds contain the functional group A propane B propanol C Ethanoic acid D ethanol?

Option (b) Propanol. Explanation: Propanol belongs to the functional group “Alcohol” with the molecular formula C3H7OH.

Which pair is homologous?

A homologous pair consists of one paternal and one maternal chromosome. In humans, there are a total of 46 chromosomes in the nucleus of a somatic cell. Half of them (22 autosomes + X or Y chromosome) are inherited from the father and the other half (22 autosomes + X chromosome), from the mother.

What is homologous pair in chemistry?

A homologous series is a family of hydrocarbons with similar chemical properties who share the same general formula. Hydrocarbons are compounds that contain only hydrogen and carbon.

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Which of the following is a pair of same homologous series?

C2H6O and CH4O belong to same homologous series.

Which of the following is the smallest homologue of ketone?

The smallest ketone is acetone and the next homologue is butanone. These both ketones reacted to form two oximes and were formed as optically active compounds.

What is the succeeding homologue of propanol?

The next homologue of Propanol is Butanol, CH.

What is the difference between acetone and acetaldehyde and propanol?

1 and 2 propanol are Isomers, ethanol and propanal are unrelated, acetone and acetaldehyde are the same chemical structure but end in different functional groups. Only acetic and butyric acids are part of a homologous series of compounds : in this case the short chain fatty acids.

What is the difference between 1-propanol and 2-propanol?

(CH3-CO-CH3 and CH3-COH) 1-propanol and 2-propanol are isomers of the same alcohol. Ethanol or propanal are again different types of organic compounds (different functional groups), so they do not have similar properties. However, propanal and acetaldehyde (ethanal) belong to the homologous series.

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Which compound is more soluble in water ethanol or 1-hexanol?

Ethanol is more soluble in water than 1-hexanol because it has a shorter carbon chainEthanol is more soluble in water than 1-hexanol because it has a shorter carbon chain.. Which compound in each pair would be more soluble in water? Which compound in each pair would be more soluble in water?

Which compound has 7 carbons in a chain?

Name the haloalkane that has 7 carbons in a chain, a chlorine on the second carbon, and a bromine on the third carbon. Which of the following compounds have cis-trans isomers?