
Is 357 good in a rifle?

Is 357 good in a rifle?

If you have a lever-action . 357 Mag. rifle, you now have an excellent big-game load capable of taking deer past 200 yards. It also means the unique little Ruger 77/357 bolt-action rifle is now a prime candidate for deer.

Can you shoot 357 Magnum in a 350 legend?

357 Magnum and the . 357 Mag rim diameter is larger than . 350 Legend. It would never fit.

What can Red Dot powder be used for?

Alliance Red Dot is an exceptionally clean burning powder (up to 50\% cleaner than others) that is primarily used for light and standard 12 gauge target loads, but can also be used in some handgun loads. Since being introduced in 1932, Alliant Red Dot has been providing consistent, economical and efficient reloading.

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What is the maximum effective range of a 357 magnum rifle?

At rifle velocities the cartridge performs very well out to 75 yards, its performance becomes more modest between 75 and 125 yards. Like the . 44 Magnum, the . 357 can be sighted to shoot comfortably out to 125 yards.

What caliber is Winchester 350 Legend?

.35 caliber
350 Legend is a highly versatile cartridge with many end uses. The ability to practice cheaply with low recoil, high velocity . 35 caliber (9.1 mm) rounds legal for deer hunting opens the door for many new shooters whose recoil sensitivity precludes their use of cartridges such as .

What is the difference between red dot and green dot powder?

Red Dot is optimized for 12-gauge target loads, and offers Alliant Powder’s legendary lot-to-lot consistency. Enhanced Green Dot is optimized for handicap trap loads―yet versatile enough for a variety of target and field applications.

Who makes Red Dot reloading powder?

Alliant Powder
Alliant Powder – Red Dot.

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Are 9mm and 357 the same diameter?

357 uses a bullet that is. 357 if an inch in diameter, while the 9mm uses a bullet of . 355 inches in diameter.