
Is a pea a bean or vegetable?

Is a pea a bean or vegetable?

VegetableGreen Pea / Fruit or VegetableVegetables are parts of plants that are consumed by humans or other animals as food. The original meaning is still commonly used and is applied to plants collectively to refer to all edible plant matter, including the flowers, fruits, stems, leaves, roots, and seeds. Wikipedia

Is a green bean a pea?

Legumes, Pulses, Green Beans, and More But are they true peas? They’re part of the same family that both peas and beans belong to (Fabaceae) but they’re different from the green pea that comes to mind when you hear the word pea. Black-eyed peas belong to the genus Vigna while the green pea is from the genus Pisum.

Is a green bean a bean?

That should explain why green beans aren’t actually beans. Because the fruit of the green bean plant is in a pod, green beans are actually just legumes, not beans. Some other common legumes that you may have never considered include: asparagus beans, soybeans, black-eyed peas and sugar snap peas.

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Which is healthier green beans or peas?

Both green bean and peas are high in Vitamin C, dietary fiber and potassium. Green bean has 62\% less calories than pea. Green bean has more alpha-carotene than pea, however, pea contains more lutein + zeaxanthin than green bean. Pea has more thiamin and niacin, however, green bean contains more pantothenic acid.

Is chickpea a bean or pea?

The chickpea or chick pea is a legume of the plant family Fabaceae, subfamily Faboideae. The plant is grown for its nutritious seeds. Other names for chickpeas are gram, Bengal gram, garbanzo, garbanzo bean, and Egyptian pea. …

Is Edamame a pea or a bean?

Edamame beans are soybeans harvested before they are fully mature. Unlike sugar snap peas, edamame pods are not edible. To eat edamame, you need to squeeze the beans out of the shell. While there is a lot of debate where sugar snap peas come from, edamame is surely native to Asia and is widely used in Asian cuisine.

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Are garbanzo beans a legume?

The name chickpea comes from the Latin word cicer, referring to the plant family of legumes, Fabaceae. It is also known by its popular Spanish-derived name, the garbanzo bean. Kidney beans, black beans, lima beans, and peanuts are other familiar foods found in this legume family.

Is a lentil a legume?

Lentils are grouped with beans and peas as part of the legume family because, like all legumes, they grow in pods. Lentils are high in protein and fiber and low in fat, which makes them a healthy substitute for meat. They’re also packed with folate, iron, phosphorus, potassium and fiber.

Is broccoli a legume?

Dark green vegetables include broccoli, collard greens, spinach, and kale. … Other vegetables include eggplant, beets, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, celery, artichokes, green beans, and onions. Beans and peas (legumes) include black beans, garbanzo beans (chickpeas), kidney beans, soybeans, and tofu.