
Is Apple Silicon RISC V?

Is Apple Silicon RISC V?

Apple exploring open-source RISC-V chips, but almost certainly not instead of ARM. An Apple job ad reveals that the company is exploring the use of RISC-V chips, an open-source processor tech that competes with the ARM architecture used for Apple’s A-series and M-series chips.

Who makes RISC V?


Designer University of California, Berkeley
Bits 32 64 128
Introduced 2010
Version unprivileged ISA 20191213, privileged ISA 20190608

Is ARM based on MIPS?

MIPS and ARM are two different instruction set architectures in the family of RISC instruction set. Although both the instruction sets have a fixed and same instruction size, ARM has only 16 registers while MIPS has 32 registers. MIPS has no equivalent instruction to the ARM MOV instruction.

Is MIPS processor a RISC?

MIPS (Microprocessor without Interlocked Pipelined Stages) is a reduced instruction set computer (RISC) instruction set architecture (ISA) developed by MIPS Computer Systems, now MIPS Technologies, based in the United States. The early MIPS architectures were 32-bit; 64-bit versions were developed later.

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How many Huawei developers are working on HMS?

“We now have 1.6 million developers working with thousands of Huawei engineers to enhance the HMS experience.” Zhang says. “We have own services as an alternative to Google. Many users have used GMS for many years.

What is Huawei’s seamless AI life?

There are two facets to this for Huawei, part of their “ seamless AI life ” theme. First, that all the devices you use should work seamlessly with one another, connected over Huawei’s HMS. At home, a video you want to play is best viewed on your smart TV, in the office it’s your PC, on the commute it’s your phone.

Is Huawei becoming more like apple or Google?

But in doing so, the company finds itself much, much closer to Apple’s model than to Google’s. Huawei’s plan to beat Google, to bring Android users outside China to its own OS, is arguably be just like Apple. While Huawei still talks about working again with Google, it’s becoming more unlikely as more time passes.

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Is this Huawei’s long-term strategy?

“Only Huawei and Apple can do this—it’s our long-term strategy.” The man leading Huawei’s U.K. consumer business—arguably its most media-critical market outside China, is bullish. “Although there are lots of challenges and rumours and pressure,” he says, “we are committed to our investments, our ecosystem…