
Is Applied Chemistry eligible for PGT?

Is Applied Chemistry eligible for PGT?

In KVS Advertisement for the post of PGT Chemistry Masters in either Chemistry or Bio Chemistry is the eligibility. Applied Chemistry is not. For other posts like PGT Physics, Commerce, Maths applied physics, M.Com, Maths is given under subjects at PG level.

Can I apply for PGT after doing MSc physics through distance mode?

Yes , if you have completed your master’s degree then you are eligible to apply for UGC NET exam and also for PGT teacher .

How can I become a PGT teacher in chemistry?

Candidates with a masters degree in Hindi, English, Maths, Chemistry, Physics, Biology, History, Geography, Commerce, and other subjects are eligible for the job….

  1. Two Year Integrated Post Graduate M.Sc/MA Course from Regional College of Education of NCERT in the concerned subject with at least 50\% marks in aggregate.
  2. B.
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What is an example of pure chemistry?

Pure chemistry can often be used as a stepping stone for applied chemistry. Understanding why water expands when it freezes is just one example of pure chemistry.

Can I take MSC and bed together?

Yes, You can pursue both courses as an integrated dual degree course. You are allowed to do Bachelor of Education and Master of Science as an integrated degree course after covering the eligibility criteria of both the courses.

How can I get PGT Mathematics?

Eligibility Criteria

  1. Two Years Integrated Post Graduate M.Sc Course of Regional College of Education of NCERT in the Subject Concerned.
  2. Master’s Degree from a recognized university with at least 50\% marks in aggregate in Maths subjects.

What is qualifications for PGT?

A candidate must hold a B. Ed degree or an equivalent degree from a recognized university. The applicant must have a post-graduate degree from a recognized university. The maximum age limit for the PGTs as per PGT eligibility criteria is 40 years.