
Is Aristotle RC 99 good for cats?

Is Aristotle RC 99 good for cats?

Yes! RC 99 is a good site for preparation of reading comprehension.

What type of RC comes in cat?

Around 7 types of RC questions are asked in CAT namely Main Idea Based, Title Based, Inference Based, Fact Based, Tone Based, Paragraph and Structure-Based and Vocabulary Based.

What should be the ideal reading speed for cat?

Various experts say that you need to have a minimum reading speed of around 350 words per minute (wpm) to be able to make some headway in the CAT exam.

How many RC are there in CAT 2020?

4 RC Passages
There were 4 RC Passages in CAT 2020 adding up to a total of 18 Questions (2*5 + 2*4). The remaining 8 Questions are from the Verbal Ability topics such as Para summary, Para jumbles (Odd Sentence & Subjective), Para completion, etc.

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How many RC questions are there in CAT 2020?

There were 4 RCs and a total of 18 questions based on it. There were 8 VA questions (all non-MCQs). Overall it was tougher than earlier slots and difficult to attempt.

How can I improve my cat’s RC?

3 Steps to Improve Your Accuracy in Reading Comprehension for CAT

  1. Step 1: Do not attempt all questions in a Reading Comprehension passage. We are a very selfish and time starved generation.
  2. Step 2: Analyze the type of questions that you get right / wrong.
  3. Step 3: Select Reading Comprehension passages that suit you.

How can I improve my RC cat?

How read RC fast?

Important Tips to Improve Reading Speed

  1. Skipping the passage completely.
  2. Poriborton Method.
  3. Tracing the passage with a pen or a finger.
  4. Increasing Eye Span.
  5. Cultivating a hobby of reading extensively.
  6. Practice, Practice and Practice.

Do CAT exam have negative marking?

Q: Does CAT exam have negative marking? A: Yes, CAT exam has negative marking of minus one for each wrong answer. However, there is no negative marking for non-MCQs and unattempted questions. The candidates must mark their answers carefully in the sheet to ensure avoid negative marking.