
Is Attorney General lawyer for president?

Is Attorney General lawyer for president?

The United States attorney general (AG) leads the United States Department of Justice, and is the chief lawyer of the federal government of the United States. The attorney general serves as the principal advisor to the president of the United States on all legal matters.

What does the President’s lawyer do?

The White House counsel is a senior staff appointee of the president of the United States whose role is to advise the president on all legal issues concerning the president and their administration.

Does the Attorney General answer to the President?

The Attorney General represents the United States in legal matters generally and gives advice and opinions to the President and to the heads of the executive departments of the Government when so requested.

Can a lawyer become president?

More than half of all United States Presidents were lawyers before becoming president. Many of the first lawyer-presidents participated in apprenticeships to become lawyers because there was no such thing as law school. 3. At least 13 lawyer-presidents served in the U.S. Congress before becoming president.

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Who has more power attorney general or district attorney?

In practice, district attorneys, who prosecute the bulk of criminal cases in the United States, answer to no one. The state attorney general is the highest law enforcement officer in state government and often has the power to review complaints about unethical and illegal conduct on the part of district attorneys.

What is a state attorney vs attorney general?

A lawyer who represents the state in local criminal cases is usually referred to as the “District Attorney,” although, depending on your state, these attorneys can go by other titles such as “Prosecuting Attorney” or “County Attorney.” The Attorney General of a state typically represents the state in civil cases, but …