
Is Computer Science compulsory in 11th class?

Is Computer Science compulsory in 11th class?

It is not compulsory to take computer science as a additional subject in xi and xii , if you want to pursue BSC in CS. Admission to CS BSC will be on basis of your xii board marks and your marks in maths .

Can we take computer science in 12th?

You can choose the Computer Science & Engineering, after 12th Science. The academic criterion of Computer Science & Engineering is divided into three courses/programmes as follows: Diploma courses leading to the polytechnic diploma of 3 years duration. UG courses leading to the B.

Does college degree matter in computer science?

Originally Answered: Does a degree in computer science matters? Yes, it matters. It will make it easier to get a job early in your career. Eventually, however, it will be less important than your experience.

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Is computer compulsory in engineering?

It is not compulsory to take Computer science as optional in intermediate to take admission in CSE branch.

Why do a computer science degree?

Why study Computer Science? Having a computing degree will provide you with the knowledge, problem-solving skills and analytical thinking capabilities that serve as a competitive advantage in your career.

How valuable is a degree in computer science?

A degree in computer science can lead to roles in a variety of industries outside big tech, such as healthcare, postsecondary education, telecommunications, and business. While salaries can vary greatly by degree level and occupation, the median salary for computer science professionals is roughly $88,000.

How many subjects are there in 11th computer science?

Theory Subjects in Computer Science Class 11

S.No Unit Marks
1. Computer Fundamentals 06
2. Programming Methodology 10
3. Introduction to Programming in C++ 44
4. Computer System Organization 10