
Is diameter UDP or TCP?

Is diameter UDP or TCP?

Like RADIUS, Diameter provides AAA functionality, but uses TCP and SCTP instead of UDP, therefore delegating detection and handling of communication problems to those protocols.

What is the difference between Radius and Diameter protocol?

Radius is a connectionless protocol, so it do not need any session creation before its operation. But Diameter is a connection oriented like TCP. As a transport protocol, Radius uses UDP (User Datagram Prtocol) and Diameter uses TCP (Transmission Control Protocol) or SCP.

What is a TCP session?

The TCP session is sending packets as fast as possible, so when the client sends the FIN and closes its part, the server is still sending lots of data for a moment. In this case, the client sends RST packets until the server stops sending data.

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What is Diameter protocol used for?

The Diameter Protocol provides authentication, authorization, and accounting (AAA) messaging services for network access and data mobility applications in 3G, IP Multimedia Systems (IMS), and LTE/4G networks.

What is diameter Signalling?

Diameter signaling is a protocol that enables communication among Internet protocol network elements. It can be thought of as the language that servers and software use to communicate within the core of the LTE network. In IP networks, diameter signaling performs the role that SS7 signaling performs in legacy networks.

Is diameter a base?

Diameter is a protocol used for authentication, authorization, and accounting in IP networks. It is specified in IETF RFC 3588 (“Diameter base protocol”). The Cx reference point in IMS is used between I-CSCF and HSS, as well as between S-CSCF and HSS and is based on the Diameter base protocol.

Is diameter better than radius?

➨In summary, Diameter protocol provides better transport, better proxying, better session control and better security compare to Radius protocol. This differentiates diameter and radius protocols.

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What is the difference between Radius and Tacacs+?

RADIUS was designed to authenticate and log remote network users, while TACACS+ is most commonly used for administrator access to network devices like routers and switches.

What is difference between session and connection?

Literally : Connection is Physical Communication Channel and Session is a state of information exchange. A Connection may have multiple sessions .

What is the difference between a session and a connection in SSL?

In context of SSL: Difference between connection and session is that connection is a live communication channel, and session is a set of negotiated cryptography parameters.

What is diameter routing?

A Diameter Routing Agent (DRA) is a functional element in a 3G or 4G (such as LTE) network that provides real-time routing capabilities to ensure that messages are routed among the correct elements in a network.

What is a diameter server?

Server. Diameter is an AAA (authentication, authorization, and accounting) protocol for applications such as network access or IP mobility. The basic concept is to provide a base protocol that can be extended in order to provide AAA services to new access technologies.