
Is Fifty Shades of GREY flop?

Is Fifty Shades of GREY flop?

Fifty Shades Of Grey is one of the most-watched R-rated films of All Time. Starring Dakota Johnson and Jamie Dornan in lead, the film was a huge success and then became a successful franchise.

What is the highest percentage a movie can get and still be rotten?

Major recently released films can attract more than 400 reviews. If the positive reviews make up 60\% or more, the film is considered “fresh”, in that a supermajority of the reviewers approve of the film. If the positive reviews are less than 60\%, the film is considered “rotten”.

Which Fifty Shades of GREY is the best?

“Freed” Is the best Fifty Shades yet, and this film even manages to be a little steamy.

How many rotten tomatoes can a movie get?

At least five reviews from Top Critics. Films in wide release must have a minimum of 80 reviews. This also applies for films going from limited to wide release. Films in limited release must have a minimum of 40 reviews.

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How much did Dakota Johnson make in Fifty Shades of Grey?

In spite of the star power that both Dornan and Johnson brought to the big screen in Fifty Shades of Grey, they were reportedly paid very little for their work in the movie. In fact, multiple reports claim that Dornan and Johnson were only paid $250,000 each for their roles in the first Fifty Shades of Grey movie.

Does Rotten Tomatoes mean good or bad?

The opinions of about 3,000 critics — a.k.a. the “Approved Tomatometer Critics” who have met a series of criteria set by Rotten Tomatoes — are included in the site’s scores, though not every critic reviews every film, so any given score is more typically derived from a few hundred critics, or even less.

What’s the safe word in Fifty Shades of Grey?

“Yellow” was the safe word adopted by 50 Shades Of Grey lovers, Christian and Anastasia.

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How accurate is Rotten Tomatoes?

Rotten Tomatoes is no longer a reliable rating service. Evidence of this can be seen in the Rise of Skywalker Verified Audience Review rating which has held at 86\% from Dec 20 – Dec 27 with no fluctuation despite the number of reviewers increasing from ~ 7,000 to ~58,000 verified reviews.

How do you become a super reviewer on Rotten Tomatoes?


  1. Consistent review output for a minimum of two years.
  2. A minimum of 2 million visits over 6 months as reported by SimilarWeb qualifies for broad audience reach.
  3. At least three individually approved critics contributing to the publication on a regular basis.