
Is Golden Quadrilateral highway?

Is Golden Quadrilateral highway?

The Golden Quadrilateral (Hindi: स्वर्णिम चतुर्भुज, romanized: Svarnim Chaturbhuj; abbreviated GQ) is a national highway network connecting most of the major industrial, agricultural and cultural centres of India.

Which one of the city is not connected under Golden Quadrilateral Expressway?

Solution(By Examveda Team) Chandigarh in India is not located in Golden Quadrilateral Road Network. Golden Quadrilateral Road network connects 4 major metropolis cities of India i.e, Delhi, Kolkata, Chennai & Mumbai to enhance communication & transportation.

Which of the following towns is not on the Golden Quadrilateral being created for the roads infrastructure of the country?

Solution(By Examveda Team) Jabalpur is not on the “Golden Quadrilateral” being created for the roads-infrastructure of the country.

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What is Golden Quadrilateral Super highways?

golden quadrilateral superhighways are 6 lane roads constructed to connect main Port cities of india. they are constructed to save time and reduce the distance between the main Port cities. they connect the cities like Calcutta, delhi, mumbai,and chennai.

How many national highway are there in India?

200 national highways
➤India has the second largest road network in the world, ➤There are over 200 national highways and their cumulative length adds up to 101,011 km.

Which of the following cities is not in the route of Golden Quadrilateral in India?

Explanation : Chandigarh in India is not located in Golden Quadrilateral Road Network. Golden Quadrilateral Road network connects 4 major metropolis cities of India i.e, Delhi, Kolkata, Chennai & Mumbai to enhance communication & transportation.

Which among the following cities in India is not located in Golden Quadrilateral road network?

Chandigarh in India is not located in Golden Quadrilateral Road Network. Golden Quadrilateral Road network connects 4 major metropolis cities of India i.e, Delhi, Kolkata, Chennai & Mumbai to enhance communication & transportation.