
Is hard work important to be successful person explain?

Is hard work important to be successful person explain?

Through hard work we gain experience; it helps us discover many new things. This experience enables us to think smartly to solve a critical problem and achieve success. There is no shortcut to success. Hard work is the only key to achieving it; it teaches us discipline, dedication and determination.

What is more successful being intelligent or being hardworking?

Hard work – The Most Important Element to Achieve your Goals It is a common saying that hard work is the key to success. That clearly shows the importance of hard work to achieve your goals and reach the benchmarks you have set for yourself in life. Hard work is even more important than being smart or intelligent.

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Which brings greater success in life hard work or intelligence debate?

Answer: both hardwork and intelligence bring greater success in life. Because if a person is intelligent but he doesn’t do hardwork so he cannot achieve his success and intelligence is also very important for success.

What is importance of hard work in student life?

Hard work is the most important key to success. The achievements without hard work are impossible. An idle person can never gain anything if they sit and wait for the better opportunity to come. The person who is working hard is able to gain the success and happiness in life.

What is more important intelligence or effort?

Effort is more important than intelligence when determining success. Success is the ability to accomplish personal goals and achieve happiness. People who work hard are as capable of achieving success regardless of their IQ. Learning is based on the effort one has.

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Is intelligence the key to success?

Intelligence leads to greater success than personality traits such as being nice, conscientious and generous, a study has found. By contrast, people who are intelligent and less nice are more likely to do better in the long term.

What causes success in life?

Keep trying. Even when things seem impossible or setbacks keep holding you back, focus on ways that you can develop your skills and keep soldiering forward. One of the key habits of successful people is to always look at setbacks or failures as learning opportunities. Set goals.

How important is talent in achieving success?

Generally a person who has a talent has an ability to learn easily. Talent has more value for the talented person because it can help them to pursue their career in it. So talent without hard work is pretty much useless. When talent and hard work come together they can achieve great success in life.

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What is hardwork and success?

Through hard work even the mediocre can achieve success. There is never any short cuts to success, but hard work complimented with the desire to achieve, determination, and always being motivated to get after your goal, it makes success becomes bigger.

Can effort make you smarter?

Just because you’re not naturally a “genius” doesn’t mean you can’t develop your intelligence through effort and dedication, though. Studies repeatedly show that you can make yourself smarter. Rigorous training, rest, and consistency will help you to improve your intelligence.