
Is Ionic good for PWA?

Is Ionic good for PWA?

Ionic is an ui libruary on top of angular and cordova to build a hybrid mobile app. Recently, it adds the support for progressive web app. If you’re familiar with Ionic, then it won’t be hard to switch to angular for your pwa project.

Is Ionic hybrid or PWA?

At Ionic, we are fans of both traditional mobile apps (the kind you download from the app stores and install on your device) and Progressive Web Apps (PWAs). And, we have the tools you need to build either, or both, types of apps.

Is Ionic angular good?

Ionic use is justified when you have strong expertise in using web technologies and Angular and experience in utilizing various JavaScript and Angular libraries. To get all the benefits from Ionic, it’s worth considering security and optimization measures first.

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Is Ionic the same as angular?

AngularJS is a open source web application framework mainly to build single page apps (SPAs). Ionic framework is used for developing native like mobile applications using a web technology stack consisting of HTML5, CSS3, SAAS, AngularJS and Cordova.

Can I build website with ionic?

Learning Ionic Ionic Framework is an open source UI toolkit for building performant, high-quality mobile and desktop apps using web technologies (HTML, CSS, and JavaScript). And (2) to be compatible with all platforms including web browsers (desktop and mobile), native mobile apps and PWA’s (Progressive Web Apps).

Is Ionic worth learning 2021?

Yes, ionic framework is worth learning in 2021 and has become future-proof, ensuring that no matter what new Java Script framework pops up tomorrow, you can rest assured that your knowledge of ionic framework will always be relevant.

Is Ionic good 2021?

In 2021, the choice is between React Native and Ionic, the two biggest players in the mobile app development frameworks market. According to AppBrain, Ionic is the most used in app development at 3\% while React Native is at 1.3\%. Market share in terms of app installs show 4.05\% for React Native and 0.27\% for Ionic.

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Is angular or Ionic better?

Ionic has extended to many frameworks so it’s compatible with Angular and React frameworks, meaning more flexibility, personally I would recommend Ionic with Angular over React since it’s more suited to enterprise-level apps.