
Is it possible to make a three input NAND NOR gate with a two input NAND OR gate?

Is it possible to make a three input NAND NOR gate with a two input NAND OR gate?

You can do the same thing with NOR gates, just substitute them for the NANDs. The second solution keeps the propagation delays the same for all three inputs. You can do the same thing with NOR gates, just substitute them for the NANDs.

How many two input NAND gate are required to perform the action of a two input OR gate and its draw?

The answer is 3 NAND gates.

What is the minimum of two-input NAND gate is used to perform the function of two-input OR gate?

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NAND and NOR gates are universal gates. By using of these gates we can realize any gate. T the minimum number of two-input NAND gates used to perform the function of 2-input OR gate are 3.

How many 2-input NAND gates are required to implement a 3 input NAND gate *?

To realize OR gate using NAND gates, you require 3 NAND gates. Here is an example of a three input AND gate. Notice that the truth table for the three input gate is similar to the truth table for the two input gate. It works on the same principle, this time all three inputs need to be high (1) to get a high output.

How do you make 3 input AND gate using 2-input AND gate?

Start by building the 2-input AND block from the last experiment, but plug the output of that into the input of another AND. Then add an Input Block to the second AND’s second input. Complete the circuit by adding a Power Block to the output of the second AND.

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What is the least number of 2-input NAND gates essential to design the full adder?

From full adder circuit, Cout = AB + Cin (A ⊕ B) Connecting them to a NAND gate, we now have the Full-Adder NAND Equivalent. Hence, 9 minimum number of NAND gates requires to implement A ⊕ B ⊕ C or Full-Adder circuit.

How many minimum 2-input NAND gates are required to make a 3 input NAND gate?

Another under it but common the inputs together and call them C (Ok that’s a NOT gate as correctly pointed out in the comment). Using 2 NAND gates…. The output from that second NAND should equal 3 input NAND.