
Is it secure to send OTP by SMS explain?

Is it secure to send OTP by SMS explain?

As a possession-based factor, SMS authentication verifies a user’s identity based on something they own (i.e., a mobile phone). This adds an extra layer of security to a login. In theory, bad actors would have to steal a user’s password and their phone in order to gain unauthorized access to an account.

How do you authenticate OTP?

In OTP-based authentication methods, the user’s OTP app and the authentication server rely on shared secrets. Values for one-time passwords are generated using the Hashed Message Authentication Code (HMAC) algorithm and a moving factor, such as time-based information (TOTP) or an event counter (HOTP).

How does SMS based OTP work?

SMS-based: In this method, every time the user logs in, they receive a text message to their registered phone number, which contains a One Time Password. TOTP-based: In this method, while enabling 2-factor authentication, the user is asked to scan a QR image using a specific smartphone application.

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What are the limitations of OTP based two factor authentication method?

Most OTP systems are susceptible to real-time replay and social engineering attacks. OTPs are also indirectly susceptible to man in the middle (MITM) and man in the browser (MITB) attacks. Real-time replay attack is a form of an MITM attack. In this attack, malware sitting on the browser captures user credentials.

What happens if we share OTP?

OTP is also used for online transactions, when you enter the OTP then the transaction is completed. If someone wants to get into your account, he will require the OTP sent to your phone. and once you share the OTP, he would get access to your account.

Is OTP a 2FA?

One time passwords (OTPs) are an authentication method commonly used as part of two-factor identification (2FA) and multi-factor authentication (MFA) that can help balance these needs. OTPs are unique passwords that are only valid for a single login session for a defined period of time.

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Is 2FA the same as 2 step verification?

Two-Step Verification (2SV) is a type of authentication that uses two factors of authentication. Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) is a type of authentication that uses two distinct factors of authentication.