
Is Jupiter good for Libra ascendant?

Is Jupiter good for Libra ascendant?

The native with Jupiter in 1st House for Libra Ascendant is good looking, healthy, bold and courageous. The native with Jupiter in 1st House for Libra Ascendant has good faith in religious activities. The native has a very good property. Such a native is rich and lives long.

What happens when Venus aspects 8th house?

As per Venus in the 8th house Vedic astrology, wealth may come in the form of inheritance to the natives. However, there is a possibility that they may be lazy and rash. Being over-obsessed with sensual pleasures in life could lead to downfall. The addiction to indulgence may create difficulties in life.

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How do you know if your Venus is malefic?

Effects of Venus Malefic in your Horoscope They will do good in jobs but not in business. Their laziness, lack of discipline, addictions will bring their downfall. Usually they do not try to earn more than required and will continue to have financial hiccups till middle age or even old age.

What is the effect of debilitated Jupiter for different lagna/ascendent?

Effect of debilitated Jupiter for different lagna/ascendent. Debilitated Jupiter for Aries Lagna: Jupiter debilitated in tenth house and it rule ninth and twelfth house. ninth is beneficent house and twelfth house neutral house.

What is the effect of Venus and Jupiter in the 7th house?

Venus and Jupiter are benefic planets. The seventh house is of the spouse. The placement of these planets in the seventh house or their impact on this house decides how much happiness or sorrow you will get from your married life.

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What if Jupiter debilitated Cancer lagna in 7th house?

Debilitated Jupiter for Cancer Lagna: Jupiter debilitated in seventh house and it rule sixth and ninth house. sixth is house unpleasant house wherever we have a tendency to don’t wish deal and ninth house fortune house.

What if Jupiter is debilitated in 2nd house for Sagittarius lagna?

Jupiter represent husband in ladies chart, if a ladies have this she could get this type of husband. Debilitated Jupiter for Sagittarius Lagna: Jupiter debilitated in 2d house and it rule first and fourth house. first house represent identity and temperament and fourth house represents home and inner peace.