
Is mentalist better than Dexter?

Is mentalist better than Dexter?

Having said that, you have much better humor , sweetness and feel good factor in The Mentalist than Dexter. If you prefer humor , feel good factor, and freshness, u will be better of watching The Mentalist.

What are best TV series to watch Quora?

But apart from GOT, you should also consider watching the following shows:

  • Suits.
  • Arrow.
  • Breaking Bad (Must Watch)
  • Dexter (My personal favorite after GOT)
  • The Flash.
  • How To Get Away With Murder.
  • Vikings.
  • Narcos.

Is the mentalist worth watching?

The Mentalist is one the best “Crime/Detective” shows out there. It has an engaging storyline and who can’t relate to what Patrick Jane feels for Red John. Every episode is thrilling, engaging and fun.

What series is as good as Dexter?

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8 TV Shows Like Dexter to Watch Between Episodes of Dexter: New Blood

  • Weeds.
  • Barry.
  • CSI: Miami.
  • The Fall.
  • Hannibal.
  • Mr. Robot.
  • Prodigal Son.
  • You.

Is Hannibal better than Dexter?

It’s clear that both Hannibal and Dexter are skilled fighters and professional killers who know how to plan and improvise. However, when it comes down to who is superior, or who would win if both men fought each other, it’s really close, but Hannibal is the winner.

What should I watch after white collar?

12 Best Shows Like White Collar And Suits Update 12/2021

  • Breakout Kings (2011-2012) WATCH THIS SHOW HERE.
  • The Beast (2009)
  • Bones (2005-2017)
  • Covert Affairs (2010-2014)
  • Lie to Me (2009-2011)
  • Criminal Minds (2005-2017)
  • The Mentalist (2008-2017)
  • The Blacklist (2013-2017)

Why is mentalist the best?

The Mentalist has all of the things that makes a good TV show: suspense, comedy, romance, wittiness, unforgettable characters, an amazing overall plot, and enough drama but not too much drama. It’s a really great series with a base storyline that appears to follow a pattern like the show Once Upon A Time.