
Is mobile tower on building harmful?

Is mobile tower on building harmful?

Mobile phone towers make air poisonous. The studies have proved that the electromagnetic radiation emitted from these towers are harmful to the people living in the 300 meter radius of the towers. According to the norms, the radiation level of 600 milli watts per meter square (mw/m. sq.) is considered to be safe.

Is it safe to live near a telephone tower?

The Australian government and telecommunications industry take the view that radiation from telecommunications networks is not a health risk. The weight of their opinion and the evidence of a large number of studies is that there is no evidence of health risk posed.

What is disadvantages of mobile tower on building?

Cancer is the last stage and before that, people living close to mobile phone towers have reported sleep disturbances, headaches, memory loss, lack of concentration, fatigue, joint pains, vision distortion, miscarriage, heart problems, etc.

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What are the hazards of installing a mobile tower on the roof of my building?

Cell phone towers are still relatively new, and many people are understandably concerned about whether the RF waves they give off might possibly have health effects. At this time, there’s no strong evidence that exposure to RF waves from cell phone towers causes any noticeable health effects.

How close is too close to mobile phone tower?

If you find mobile towers located a minimum of 400 meters away, you are most likely safe. Anything closer than 400 meters is cause for additional investigation, perhaps with an EMF consultant.

Do mobile towers emit radiation?

The radiation emanating from the mobile tower has a serious impact on our health, including our body and mind. Radiofrequency (RF) emits radiation (non-ionizing “radio waves” such as microwaves). The parts of the head or body nearest to the antenna can absorb this energy and convert it to heat.