
Is NixOS worth using?

Is NixOS worth using?

Conclusion. NixOS is definitely a difficult operating system to get into, but it was well worth the effort for me. Through using NixOS, and reading the build specifications for packages in NixOS, I learnt a lot about the Linux itself. Now I have an operational system that I can replicate and rely on, which can last.

What is the point of NixOS?

NixOS is a Linux distribution built on top of the Nix package manager. It uses declarative configuration and allows reliable system upgrades. Two main branches are offered: current Stable release and Unstable following latest development. NixOS has tools dedicated to DevOps and deployment tasks.

Is NixOS good for servers?

I’m using a NixOS server in prod for an application. Works very nicely, makes deployment a breeze. I love how an entire server can be configured with a single Nix file (configuration. nix) along with any custom packages, which are again flat-files.

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Is NixOS stable?

Stable channels ( nixos-21.05 ) provide conservative updates for fixing bugs and security vulnerabilities, but do not receive major updates after initial release. New stable channels are released every six months.

Is NixOS secure?

In this model, all users can perform package management operations — for instance, every user can install software without requiring root privileges. Nix ensures that this is secure. For instance, it’s not possible for one user to overwrite a package used by another user with a Trojan horse.

Is NixOS immutable?

Packages installed through Nix, which is NixOS’s package manager, are immutable. Once they are installed, they will never change.

Is Nixos stable?

Is Nixos secure?

Is NixOS lightweight?

Mainly because Nix is intended to be lightweight, easy to learn and portable (zero dependencies).

Does NixOS use systemd?

NixOS is a declarative operating system. This means that directories like /etc live inside the read-only /nix/store directory. Only the nix-daemon is allowed to mount the nix-store as writable. Therefore, you must create a systemd.