
Is not unlike proper grammar?

Is not unlike proper grammar?

2 Answers. “Not unlike” is slightly different than saying “like” much like saying “I love apples” is not the same thing as saying “I don’t hate apples.” It emphasizes a different degree of likeness. “Not unlike” just means that there exist similarities while “like” means they are similar.

How do you use not unlike in a sentence?

She was led into an office not unlike the one she had just left.

Is unlike grammatically correct?

Unlike can be used in the following ways: as a preposition (followed by a noun): Her last book is unlike anything else she has written. as an adjective: The two boys are as unlike as any two brothers could be. The show was unlike anything we’d ever seen before.

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How do you use Unlike in a sentence?

Unlike sentence example

  1. This was so unlike the girl I’d known for a lifetime.
  2. Unlike an elevator, it didn’t appear to move.
  3. His perspective was unique, unlike that of anyone else she’d ever met.
  4. He sounded pleased, unlike the moods he’d been in lately.
  5. Unlike her father, this creature was capable of sympathy.

What is the meaning of unlike you?

: different from (something or someone) : not typical of (someone) : not normal for (someone) —used to indicate how someone or something is different from other people or things. See the full definition for unlike in the English Language Learners Dictionary.

What is not dissimilar to?

Definition of not dissimilar : not different : similar A not dissimilar situation has occurred overseas. The question is not dissimilar to one asked earlier.

What word is unlike?

adjective. not alike; dissimilar or unequal; different.

What do you call when things are not the same or unlike?

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▲ Exhibiting a difference or not being the same. different. dissimilar. disparate.

What does Unlike you mean?

: not typical of (someone) : not normal for (someone) —used to indicate how someone or something is different from other people or things. See the full definition for unlike in the English Language Learners Dictionary. unlike. preposition.

What does unlike any other mean?

(a smile) unlike any other: (a) unique, unrivalled, distinct, individual, unequalled (smile) idiom. Luna has a sense of humor unlike anyone I’ve ever met, it is so strange I don’t think anybody else shares it.

Is dissimilarly a word?

adj. Unlike; different. dis·sim′i·lar·ly adv.

What is dissimilar term?

[di¦sim·ə·lər ′tərmz] (mathematics) Terms that do not contain the same unknown factors or that do not contain the same powers of these factors.