
Is OBO higher or lower?

Is OBO higher or lower?

When used in an advertisement, OBO means ‘or best offer’. An advertisement on Craigslist, eBay or other selling venue may list a buying price, like $50, and next to that amount write OBO. This means you are welcome to offer a lower price and the seller may take it.

What does OBO mean when buying a car?

written abbreviation for or best offer: used in advertisements for used goods to say that the seller will accept slightly less than the price stated: Lexus for sale: $15,000 o.b.o.

What is the meaning of PPU?

pending pick up
PPU is an acronym common on reselling sites like Craigslist that stands for pending pick up. It is used to notate that while an item has been promised to a buyer, if they do not pick it up it will be put up for sale again. Related words: swap meet.

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What should I offer when it says OBO?

When a car seller includes the initials “O.B.O.” in an advertisement, it means he’ll take less than his asking price, specifically the best offer someone makes. O.B.O. stands for “or best offer,” with the word “best” opening a host of possibilities.

What is OBO Facebook marketplace?

best offer
OBO ➡️ or best offer | When a seller posts an item and lists the price for “$20 OBO,” the seller will accept higher bids than the listed price.

What does PPOU stand for?


Acronym Definition
POU Pay Own Utilities (used in housing advertisements)
POU Publicly Owned Utility
POU Point of Unusibility
POU Polish Open University (Warsaw, Poland)

What does OBO mean in email?

Definition. OBO. Or Best Offer (used in for sale ads) OBO. On Behalf Of.

What does Poos mean on Facebook?

Get the latest info in our weekly Let’s Go newsletter! PPU, POOS, ISO, NIB, EUC. These are the acronyms of the savvy swapper. For the record, they stand for Porch Pick Up, Posted On Other Sites, In Search Of, New in Box and Excellent Used Condition. In the age of social media, online swaps represent garage sales 2.0.

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