
Is people a noun word?

Is people a noun word?

noun, plural peo·ples for 4. persons indefinitely or collectively; persons in general: to find it easy to talk to people; What will people think? persons, whether men, women, or children, considered as numerable individuals forming a group: Twenty people volunteered to help.

What kind of noun is people?

Since ‘people’ is a word used to denote any set of individuals and doesn’t specifically cater to any particular group, people is a ‘common’ noun.

Is people a noun or plural?

As a general rule, you’re absolutely right – person is used to refer to an individual, and the plural form is people. As you have said, we can also use peoples to talk about different groups within a nation or the world. For example: The peoples of the world must unite to tackle climate change.

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Is people a proper noun?

Your name is a proper noun. A proper noun is the special word that we use for a person, place or organization, like John, Marie, London, France or Sony. A name is a noun, but a very special noun – a proper noun….Proper Nouns with THE.

people (families, for example) the Clintons
mountain ranges the Himalayas, the Alps

Is people a collective noun?

A collective noun is used to refer to an entire group of persons, animals or things; it therefore includes more than one member. Here are some examples of common collective nouns: People: board, choir, class, committee, family, group, jury, panel, staff.

Is People’s correct grammar?

Both are correct: “People’s” is used when “People” is taken as a whole, as a singular noun showing a group of people. “Peoples’” is used when “Peoples” is taken as a plural noun showing various groups of people, not one group, but several groups of people, meaning plural of plural, Peoples.

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Are people common noun?

Each is a common noun because they name a thing, place, or person: People: mother, father, baby, child, toddler, teenager, grandmother, student, teacher, minister, businessperson, salesclerk, woman, man. Animals: lion, tiger, bear, dog, cat, alligator, cricket, bird, wolf.

Is people common or collective?

People is a common noun and not a collective noun. A group of people is a collective noun.

Is people proper noun or common noun?

Common nouns name people, places, things or ideas that are generic. Notice that we don’t know exactly which woman, city, or dog we’re referring to. Since these nouns aren’t naming anything specific, they don’t need to start with a capital letter unless they begin a sentence.

Is people a group noun?

People is NOT a collective noun like team or staff. It is a plural noun. However, the subject is one, which is singular and takes a singular verb.