
Is physical education good with commerce?

Is physical education good with commerce?

Yes obviously! PHE is a good subject. You can learn many things about sports physical wellness and lot more if u study this subject well. And you have already taken commerce with maths.

Can I take physical education as a main subject?

Physical education is a main stream subject in most of the colleges and schools. This subject counts as a supportive subject.

Is physical education a subject in class 11?

CBSE Syllabus of Class 11 Physical Education – in PDF Physical education is a subject that focuses on the growth of physical fitness and the capability to perform and take pleasure in everyday bodily activities easily.

What is physical education class 11 in commerce?

Physical Education Considered to be a scoring and an easy subject, in Physical Education you will learn about various sports, yoga, physiology, physical fitness and changing trends in physical education.

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What is commerce Class 11?

Commerce is an important academic stream that imparts a detailed knowledge related to economy, finance, accounting and others. Specifically , the subjects included in this stream are Economics , Business Studies , Accountancy and English along with a choice of Maths or Informatics Practices.

Can we take any subject in class 11?

The answer is yes. They can opt for any subject belonging to any stream. For example, they can pick subjects like Maths, History, Biology and Physics all together.

Is physical education a compulsory subject in CBSE Class 11?

CBSE has made Health and Physical Education compulsory in all classes from I-XII,” the minister told the Rajya Sabha.

What is physical education 11th?

Online tests CBSE class 11 Physical Education includes Changing Trends & Career in Physical Education, Physical Fitness, Wellness & Lifestyle, Olympic Movement, Yoga, Doping, Physical Activity Environment, Test & Measurement in Sports, Fundamentals of Anatomy & Physiology, Biomechanics & Sports, Psychology & Sports.