
Is PUBG map based on Chernobyl?

Is PUBG map based on Chernobyl?

Some of PUBG Mobile’s best-known locations are inspired by Chernobyl. PUBG Mobile is one of the fashion games for gaming on mobile devices. One of those places is the Mylta de Erangel core plant, which is entirely inspired by the Chernobyl plant itself, where one of the biggest nuclear disasters took place.

Was kyshtym worse than Chernobyl?

The disaster was the second-worst nuclear incident (by radioactivity released) after the Chernobyl disaster. At least twenty-two villages were exposed to radiation from the Kyshtym disaster, with a total population of around 10,000 people evacuated.

Are people mutated in Chernobyl?

In April 1986, an accidental reactor explosion at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant in present-day Ukraine exposed millions of people in the surrounding area to radioactive contaminants. “Cleanup” workers were also exposed. Such radiation is known to cause changes, or mutations, in DNA.

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Is PUBG places are real?

The spawn location on Sanhok, better known as Bhan, is an actual real-life place. The Sai Ngam Banyan Grove in Thaliand is the inspiration for the location which is a very famous tourist destination.

What was the worst nuclear accident before Chernobyl?

Kyshtym disaster, explosion of buried nuclear waste from a plutonium-processing plant near Kyshtym, Chelyabinsk oblast, Russia (then in the U.S.S.R.) , on September 29, 1957.

Did any scientists survive Chernobyl?

Alexander Yuvchenko was on duty at Chernobyl’s reactor number 4 the night it exploded on 26 April 1986. He is one of the few working there that night to have survived. He suffered serious burns and went through many operations to save his life, and he is still ill from the radiation.

Is PUBG based on Russia?

Erangel is a fictional island in the black sea abandoned near Russia where a military occupation was controlling it. The military occupation tested chemical/biological experiments on the local populace.

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Who created Sanhok map?

Sanhok is the first map where BATTLEGROUNDS implemented a dynamic circle….

Developed by: Seoul (KR)
Co-developed studio: Madison (USA)
Location: Thailand / Philippines