
Is Rate My Teacher anonymous?

Is Rate My Teacher anonymous?

The Rate My Teachers (RMT) website provides students with an anonymous online platform to, as one would expect, rate and review their teachers. The site’s FAQ states that reviews are first moderated before being publicly posted, but does not specify how long it takes for a review to be posted.

What can professors do on rate my professor?

You can always flag a review! If you are concerned that a comment violates our site guidelines, please report the rating by selecting the flag icon at the bottom right corner of the comment.

How useful is Rate My professor? is a useful tool for both students and faculty alike, allowing students to provide indirect feedback to their professors, giving future students insight into what their future classes may look like, as well as a tool for professors to receive informal feedback regarding their strengths and …

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Is Rate My Professor accurate?

As with most review sites, some people just make reviews to make reviews, with no real substance behind it. Some students who didn’t try may leave a review out of anger or maybe even not liking a professor’s learning style. “The ratings on ‘Rate My Professors’ are by and largely accurate,” Deats said.

Can professors see who wrote rate my professor?

Nope! We don’t display any of your personal information anywhere on the site. Though you have the option of creating an account, an account is not required to post a rating and comment. Whether you choose to create a registered account or not, all ratings submitted will remain anonymous.

Is RateMyProfessor accurate?

Does RateMyProfessor make money?

It generates $3.4 million a year in revenues. Though Cheddar buying the business from Viacom (for an undisclosed amount of money) may puzzle some people, buying a business that will put about $300,000 a month into your company makes a lot of sense.