
Is regional language necessary for UPSC?

Is regional language necessary for UPSC?

IAS (UPSC CSE) Mains Exam includes 9 papers among which Paper-A is for Indian/regional Language papers. It is mandatory for all candidates to attempt this paper except candidates from the north-eastern states of Mizoram, Meghalaya, Sikkim, Arunachal Pradesh, Manipur, and Nagaland.

Is regional language necessary for UPSC Quora?

Yes ,why not. Yes can opt mains all the paper’s in regional languages and it has permission from UPSC boarder.

Can we give UPSC mains and interview in different languages?

Even those candidates, who give the main exam in English, can now choose English, Hindi or any other Indian language for the interview, opted by them for the compulsory Indian language paper in the written part of the test.

How many people fail in language paper in UPSC?

Civil Service Exam conducted by UPSC consists of 2 compulsory language papers which are only qualifying in nature. But every year it has been noticed that around 10\% of the mains aspirants fail to clear the language paper despite a decent performance in General studies and optional.

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What is paper A in IAS?

The UPSC civil services mains exam comprises of nine papers out of the compulsory Indian language paper is called Paper A. This paper is qualifying in nature and the marks obtained in it do not count in the final ranking. But you must clear this paper.

Can I give UPSC interview in regional language?

IAS aspirants can give the UPSC interview in English or any regional language mentioned in the 8th schedule of the Indian constitution irrespective of the medium of the written exam, as per the announcement by the UPSC in 2011.

What is the qualifying marks for UPSC language paper?

Qualifying Marks for UPSC Language Paper As per the UPSC 2020 notification, the minimum qualifying marks for both papers is 25\% i.e. 75 marks in each paper. Scoring this minimum cut off is not that difficult given how simple the syllabus is.

Is literature paper compulsory in UPSC?

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The UPSC allows English as an optional subject in the Civil Services Exam. The English Literature syllabus for UPSC Mains is vast. The English language is also one of the compulsory language papers in UPSC Mains.