
Is RTh and RN equal?

Is RTh and RN equal?

The Norton equivalent resistance (RN) is equal to the Thévenin equivalent resistance (RTh). Calculate RTh as described in step 2 in the Thévenin equivalent circuit. and RN = RTh.

Why Thevenin’s theorem is used to calculate the current even though there are various methods available?

Thevenin’s Theorem provides an easy method for analyzing power circuits, which typically has a load that changes value during the analysis process. This theorem provides an efficient way to calculate the voltage and current flowing across a load without having to recalculate your entire circuit over again.

What is RTh in Thevenin theorem?

The equivalent resistance Rth is the resistance that the circuit between terminals A and B would have if all ideal voltage sources in the circuit were replaced by a short circuit and all ideal current sources were replaced by an open circuit.

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What is similarity between Thevenin’s and Norton theorem where Thevenin’s theorem is not apply explain the reason?

Norton’s Thereom is identical to Thevenin’s Theorem except that the equivalent circuit is an independent current source in parallel with an impedance (resistor). Therefore, the Norton equivalent circuit is a source transformation of the Thevenin equivalent circuit.

What is the main difference between Nortons and Thevenin’s equivalent circuit?

What is the difference between Thevenin and Norton theorems? – Norton’s theorem uses a current source, whereas Thevenin’s theorem uses a voltage source. – Thevenin’s theorem uses a resistor in series, while Norton’s theorem uses a resister set in parallel with the source.

What is RN equal to if you have a Thevenin equivalent circuit you want to convert to a Norton circuit?

Thevenin and Norton’s resistances are equal. Thevenin voltage is equal to Norton’s current times Norton resistance. Norton current is equal to Thevenin voltage divided by Thevenin resistance.

What are the two quantities to be determined to apply Thevenin’s theorem?

Any complex network can be reduced to a Thevenin’s equivalent circuit consist of a single voltage source and series resistance connected to a load. To calculate the equivalent circuit, one needs a resistance and some voltage – two unknowns. Thus two equations are needed.

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What is the condition to find rth?

Calculate RTh = VTh / IN. To calculate VTh and RTh. Alternate method (for circuits that consist only of independent sources and resistors). 1. Using whatever techniques are appropriate, calculate the open- circuit voltage at the port of the circuit: voc = VTh.

Can RTH be negative?

Only circuits with dependent sources can have negative RTH. But just because a circuit has a dependent source does not mean it will have a negative RTH.

How can you differentiate between Thevenin’s theorem and Norton’s theorem?

– Norton’s theorem uses a current source, whereas Thevenin’s theorem uses a voltage source. – Thevenin’s theorem uses a resistor in series, while Norton’s theorem uses a resister set in parallel with the source. – Norton’s theorem is actually a derivation of the Thevenin’s theorem.