
Is RuneScape Classic still active?

Is RuneScape Classic still active?

RuneScape Classic is no longer available to play after it’s servers were taken offline by Jagex on 6 August 2018. On 4 August 2005, Jagex discontinued and closed down the free version of RuneScape Classic; it remained accessible for many years for free players.

Is RuneScape Classic shutting down?

After 17 years, RuneScape Classic, the original version of the online game, will shut down. The creators have shared the news three months in advance so that players have time to say goodbye. The multi-user game, set in a fantasy world, was released in 2001 and will stop running at 8am on 6 August, 2018.

How many people are currently playing Old School RuneScape?

Current Estimated Total Active Players On the 18th of August 2021 (2:00 pm in NZ), the total number of players of OSRS at the time that I write this is 74,426 players online.

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Are there different servers in RuneScape?

Miscellaneous servers The RuneScape Forums operates via dedicated web servers, accessible when game servers are down. Instance shards are dedicated game servers which are used to host certain Distractions and Diversions and Minigames.

Is there a 20 year Cape RuneScape?

20th Anniversary cape can no longer be obtained in RuneScape after an update but still exists in-game for those who had done so. in PvP-enabled areas. The 20th Anniversary cape is a cosmetic override that was obtained by talking to the Wise Old Man at the Lumbridge Crater during the Grand Party.

Is RuneScape Classic free?

Free to play (also known as F2P) was the free version of RuneScape Classic. Free to play RuneScape Classic was removed in the summer of 2005 when the game stopped being supported due to Jagex’s focus on RuneScape 2 and widespread rule-breaking on the remaining servers.

Who has completed RuneScape?

Twitch streamer Titus_Furius will go down in history as Runescape Classic’s final and arguably greatest legend. On Monday, August 6, the day Jagex closed the Classic servers some 17 years after they opened, Titus completed the game’s toughest challenge: the Legends’ Quest.

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Is Osrs a dead game?

While pitched as a time capsule of Runescape circa-2007, OSRS is hardly a dead game. The throwback is still plenty active, breaking its concurrent player record just last November.

Is RuneLite allowed?

RuneLite HD to be allowed ‘as a bridge’ until the official RuneScape HD client is finished. Jagex has reversed its unpopular decision to stop RuneLite HD. Following yesterday’s Reddit topping news, RuneScape developer Jagex has partially backpedaled on its initial statement.