
Is sand better for corydoras?

Is sand better for corydoras?

Corydoras like to root around in the substrate for food. So what should we use in the aquarium to allow them to behave naturally, without damage to their barbels? Heiko Bleher explains. I strongly suggest only fine silica sand, ideally white or beige, but never black or any other colour.

What substrate is best for catfish?

For an aquarium with catfish, sand is usually the best substrate. Many catfish browse the sand in the wild in search of food. This behaviour can be observed very well, especially with armoured catfish. Alternatively, an aquarium can be set up with fine gravel and a corner of the tank can be equipped with sand.

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What do corydoras like in their tank?

Habitat: A Cory Catfish is a bottom dweller, so it’s a good idea to keep at least 2 inches of aquarium gravel or substrate on the tank bottom. Cory Catfish also seem to really enjoy a tank with lots of live plants. Live aquarium plants provide cover and hiding places for the fish to rest.

Will Cory catfish eat sand?

I have read that the best thing for Cory is white sand but that plants don’t grow in it. So my plan is to do a level of flourite then a layer of white sand on top.

What is the best substrate for corys?

Do Cory Catfish Need Sand Substrate? Corydoras have wispy barbels or whiskers to help them find food, so smooth sand or gravel is preferred.

What is the best substrate for Plecos?

The ideal substrate for plecos is fine gravel or soft sand because it will allow the pleco to filter through the substrate to find food. The tank should be densely planted, especially with broad-leafed species like Java Fern and Anubias, to ensure that the pleco can feed on algae growing on the surface of the leaves.

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What substrate do corydoras like?

Sand is the ideal substrate for cory catfish. Almost all sand is good for your cory catfish, but the best sand for corys is soft river sand.

Which gravel is best for corydoras?

If you use the wrong size aquarium gravel you could harm or injure your little catfish. Sand is the best option for catfish and especially smaller corydoras catfish. They love to move the sand or gravel around the bottom of the aquarium and sand offers less risk.

Do corydoras need bubblers?

Yes, all fish need some type of agitation of water to uplift water to the surface to replenish dissolved oxygen. Air Stone is the easiest, but water pump flow is also acceptable. As long as there is surface movement, you dont need an air pump or air stone.

What temperature do corydoras like?

between 74° and 80° F
Water Requirements for Corydoras A pH between 7.0 and 8.0, alkalinity between 3° and 10° dKH (54ppm to 180ppm) and temperature between 74° and 80° F are ideal conditions for most captive bred Cory cats and their relatives.

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What pH do cory catfish like?

between 7.0 and 8.0

Can Cory catfish live without substrate?

No, corydoras can’t live without sand. In the wild, corydoras live along sandy river bottoms and have evolved to feed by sifting sand through their gills. Without sand, there will be nothing for them to sift. To keep your corydoras happy and healthy, provide soft, natural sand at the bottom of their tank.