
Is SBI Mutual Fund is good?

Is SBI Mutual Fund is good?

Although the best SBI equity fund requires investors to take calculated risks, it delivers optimal returns in the long term. Currently, SBI Mutual Fund has over 15 schemes under this category….Top 10 Sbi Mutual Funds.

Fund Name SBI Flexicap Fund
Risk Very High
1Y Returns 32.8\%
Rating 3
Fund Size(in Cr) ₹15,462

Which mutual fund is best SBI or HDFC?

Yearly Performance section compares the returns generated by both the schemes for a particular year. The comparison of yearly performance reveals that for certain years, the performance of HDFC Hybrid Equity Fund is better while for certain years; the performance of SBI Equity Hybrid Fund is better.

Which is best mutual fund of SBI?

SBI MF Top Rated Funds

  • SBI Small Cap Fund Direct-Growth.
  • SBI Magnum Mid Cap Direct Plan-Growth.
  • SBI Focused Equity Fund Direct Plan-Growth.
  • SBI Infrastructure Fund Direct-Growth.
  • SBI Large & Midcap Fund Direct Plan-Growth.
  • SBI Magnum Equity ESG Fund Direct Plan-Growth.
  • SBI Flexicap Fund Direct-Growth.
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What is the difference between mutual fund and SBI?

Mutual funds are investment vehicles that pool public resources and invest in money market instruments like stocks etc. Investors can buy their units and reap the benefits of investing in share markets. SBI is the name of the Mutual Fund managed by SBI.

What are the best mutual funds in India?

SBI Mutual Funds have a strong foundation laid by the State Bank of India (SBI), the largest public sector bank in India. SBI Funds Management Pvt. Ltd. is a joint venture between India’s State Bank of India and France’s AMUNDI, one of the world’s top fund management companies.

What are the benefits of investing in SBI equity schemes?

Excellent Ratings: Many of the SBI equity schemes have a CRISIL rating of three and above. Domestic and Offshore Fund Management: The company has expertise in managing both domestic and offshore funds. Tax Benefits: Saving tax is easier with SBI Mutual Fund. The company provides Equity Linked Savings Scheme for investors to save tax.

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Should I invest in SBI Bluechip fund?

SBI Bluechip fund has total worth of 12586 crores and is fourth in its category. The 1 year trailing returns are not very good and are less than the index and benchmark. It’s 3 and 5 year returns are much higher than category and index. The top 3 sectors are pharmaceutical, automotive and financials.