
Is SCP 3008 true?

Is SCP 3008 true?

No, SCP 3008 isn’t real nor is the infinite IKEA store. All of the SCP Foundation is fiction and it will stay like that.

What is the rarest thing in SCP 3008?

The Living Room plot is a plot found randomly in SCP-3008. It contains two of every item listed below, along with one GameCube on one side of the plot. It is extremely rare, making the GameCube currently one of the rarest items in the game….GameCube.

Removed Plots Larger Food Items • Snack Isle

What is the point of SCP 3008?

The player’s goal is to survive as they roam around the infinite ROKEA looking for food, building bases, and meeting new players as they prepare to defend themselves against humanoids designated as SCP-3008-2, which become aggressive at night.

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How long is day in SCP 3008?

6 minutes
Day is a daytime phase. A day lasts 6 minutes.

How long is a night in SCP-3008?

5 minutes
A night lasts 5 minutes. During the Nighttime phase, instances of SCP-3008-2 will become hostile and try to harm a nearby player. It is advised to stay inside structures to avoid certain death.

How long is day in SCP-3008?

How do you get to SCP 3008?

SCP-3008 is a large retail unit previously owned by and branded as IKEA, a popular furniture retail chain. A person entering SCP-3008 through the main entrance and then passing out of sight of the doors will find themselves translocated to SCP-3008-1.

Is there a civilization in scp-3008-1?

Gathered data suggests they have formed a rudimentary civilisation within SCP-3008-1, including the construction of settlements and fortifications for the purpose of defending against SCP-3008-2. SCP-3008-2 are humanoid entities that exist within SCP-3008-1.

Why is SCP-682 afraid of SCP-173?

Simple, SCP-173 is the original SCP. The Peanut is basically Death if he was shy, and a statue. SCP-682 fears 173 because of the incredible power it holds, its speed, its strength. 173 almost killed 682, and when they took a picture of 173 using that camera that reveals thoughts, it was black.

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Is IKEA a real SCP?

No, it’s not. IKEA is already scary enough without horrible humanoids walking through endless aisles, with all the strangely named, impossible to assemble furniture they sell. The SCP Foundation is a site of fictional writing. “Is SCP real? No.