
Is sin an outdated concept?

Is sin an outdated concept?

Sin isn’t an outdated concept. The good news is that the Bible tells us: “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come.” There is a cure, and it’s not outdated either.

Is grace an excuse to sin?

Grace is not an excuse for you to justify any sin. At that moment in his or her life, they are being led by their sin nature, unless they repent and turn back to the KING. Romans 8:8 KJVS [8] So then they that are in the flesh cannot please God.

Can I pray for grace?

Lord, please provide your grace through protection from the harm that seems to come to them physically, emotionally, and spiritually. Please give them strength to get through each day, because you are there to provide it for them. Lord, I ask that you cover them in grace for healing and for direction.

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What the grace of God is not?

The grace of God is not earned by works, but it produces work done in His service. Grace, which is God’s life, comes into us and works in us and through us so that we can be all and do all in His service. Philippians 2:13 says, “for it is God who is at work in you, both to will and to work for His good pleasure.

Does grace run out?

Throughout the rest of Psalm 78, the Israelites continue to sin, God gets angry, but then he blesses them and gives them grace. Your sins are never too big for God’s grace to cover. God’s grace can not run out.

What is sin in the Bible?

Let us first consider the use of the word sin in the Bible. The principal word in Hebrew translated as sin is the word chatta’ah and its derivatives such as chata and chet. The word chatta’ah incur guilt, and so forth. The sense of the Hebrew word includes both against the divine order of things.

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Does sin exist anymore?

Does “sin” exist anymore? No. Does bad behavior, murder, hatred and lying still exist. Yes, of course. When we think “sin” we think, disobedience to God, breaking the Law of God, sinful behavior, i.e. that which offends God, and so on.

Is sin a verb or a noun?

This word for sin is used 174 times in the NT so it must be very important. But what many don’t realize is that in most cases the word “sin” is not a verb. It is not an action at all! In Romans for instance, nearly every time “sin” is used, it is not a verb.

Why don’t we talk about sin more?

I would describe it this way: People don’t really like it when we talk about sin. In response to this, some churches downplay the sin issue in an effort to love people. Other churches talk about sin a lot and perceive any unwillingness to talk about sin as fear.