
Is Singapore Polytechnic a good school?

Is Singapore Polytechnic a good school?

Singapore Polytechnic is ranked 1st amongst all the polytechnics in Singapore with the cut off points to be as low as 8 and highest as 22. SP is also well-known for the facilities they offer on their campus.

Is Singapore Poly stressful?

In Polytechnic, many of your friends will be new and you’ll have to fit into a new social circle and force yourself out of your comfort zone. So here is social stress and exam stress. Unlike a secondary school, everything in a polytechnic is less rigid.

Is polytechnic difficult?

All courses are equal & hard or easy depends upon the student & his background. Not any branch is hard in polytechnic. But best for job is mining ,civil ,electrical..and that depends on your hardwork almost all branches is equivalent to each other.

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Why is Singapore Polytechnic good?

Popularity wise, SP is the among the top most popular poly with NP. SP is ranked 1st as it’s a bigger school compared to NP, and offers more facilities for students to enjoy. SP is also very well-known for their student camps that happen pretty often, some camps even require them to overnight in school!

What is Singapore Polytechnic known for?

We provide state-of-the-art facilities, such as the first ever Perfumery and Cosmetic Science Centre in Asia, a Cyber Wargame Centre, an F1 car simulator and the Aero Hub which houses all of SP’s aeroplanes.

How long do you study in polytechnic?

Most of our full-time courses are diplomas, which normally take three years to complete. A one-year programme for the top ‘N’ Level (Academic) cohort to study in SP to prepare for the pre-selected diploma course instead of continuing with the ‘O’ Level examinations.

What is the toughest branch in polytechnic?

Electrical engineering is considered to be one of the toughest Engineering courses by the students, mostly because of the abstract thinking involved.

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Is it good to do polytechnic?

Polytechnic course provides only basic and practical knowledge to the students in the engineering field and it is the best choice to go for a professional after completing Polytechnic diploma . Those who finished diploma courses can go ahead engineering courses and study with less spending.