
Is spacetime proven?

Is spacetime proven?

Scientists say they have proven the existence of gravitational waves — the ripples in space-time that stem from objects moving throughout the Universe. If true, it’s the first time these waves have been measured directly and marks one of the biggest scientific discoveries in decades.

At what scale do quantum gravity theoreticians think space and time become grainy?

Theories have suggested that the quantum nature of space should become apparent at the Planck scale: 10-35 of a meter. But the Integral observations are 10,000 times more accurate than any previous measurements and show that if quantum graininess exists, it must occur at a level of at least 10-48 m or smaller.

How does Einstein explain tides?

How could Einstein explain tidal forces? The answer lies in curved space. The tidal forces acting on them would bring them to collide with one another exactly at the center of gravity: the center of the earth.

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Why is high tide later every day?

At most places on earth, there are two high tides each day. With each passing day, the high tides occur about an hour later. Since the moon pulls up the tides, these two delays are connected. As the earth rotates through one day, the moon moves in its orbit.

Are there vortexes in space?

Einstein was right: There is a four-dimensional space-time vortex around Earth, and the spin of Earth does twist space-time. NASA’s Gravity Probe B (GP-B) confirmed these two key predictions, derived from Albert Einstein’s general theory of relativity. …

Can space be divided infinitely?

Whereas the modern atom is indeed divisible, it actually is uncuttable: there is no partition of space such that its parts correspond to material parts of the atom. Physical space is often regarded as infinitely divisible: it is thought that any region in space, no matter how small, could be further split.