
Is suppressed SMG better than SMG?

Is suppressed SMG better than SMG?

The Suppressed Submachine Gun is the only SMG that has first shot accuracy. This, combined with its slower fire rate and higher damage bullets make it an better option for medium range engagements over most other Submachine Guns. Since the Tactical has a higher fire rate and decent damage.

What does suppressed mean in Fortnite?

This article is about a Suppressed Weapon. The Suppressed Assault Rifle, as its name implies, is a silenced weapon that constantly shoots bullets that do moderate damage. It has incredible accuracy for the first few shots it fires but quickly loses this property when continuously firing.

What do suppressed weapons do Fortnite?

The Suppressed Pistol fires bullets that do moderate damage quickly, but suffers in accuracy and damage at a distance and does not constantly fire bullets when the trigger is held down. The Suppressed Pistol could be found from floor loot, Chests, and Vending Machines.

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Are Suppressed ARS in Fortnite?

The Suppressed Assault Rifle is an Assault Weapon in Fortnite Battle Royale. It was added in Season 5.

How good is the suppressed submachine gun in Fortnite?

Good for run-and-gun combat, and accurate enough to fight at mid range when fired in short bursts. The Suppressed Submachine Gun is a Submachine Gun in Fortnite: Battle Royale. It was introduced in Season 0 . The Suppressed Submachine Gun is a fast firing weapon that can deal good amounts of DPS in a close to medium range environment.

What is the difference between a machine gun and a submachine gun?

Machine guns use rifle ammunition, and are basically dressed up rifles. Rifles are larger than handguns, so naturally machine guns are larger than submachine guns. This holds true most of the time, but it doesn’t necessarily mean every submachine gun is smaller in length or weight than machine guns.

Is the SMG like the suppressed submachine gun?

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Given the fact that this weapon and the Suppressed Submachine Gun are based off of variants of the H&K MP5, they share visual similarities. The SMG is very good at close range and boasts a fire rate of 10 bullets per second. It looks like the Suppressed Submachine Gun, with a higher rate of fire, but shorter range.

How much damage does a submachine gun do to your head?

The weapon deals 28, 29, 31, 33 and 35 damage to the head (formally 32, 34, 36, 38, 40 damage to the head). The Submachine Gun Common, Uncommon, Rare was introduced in the 5.0 content update, replacing the Tactical Submachine Gun.