
Is the education system in Romania good?

Is the education system in Romania good?

Romania’s education system is rapidly advancing. The literacy rate among those over the age of 15 rose from 96.7 percent in 1992 to 97.3 in 2002. Today, 98.8 percent of Romanians are literate.

What age do kids go to school in Romania?

age 6
Education System (for Romanian children) Compulsory schooling usually starts at age 6, with the “preparatory school year” (clasa pregătitoare) which is mandatory in order to enter the first grade. Schooling is compulsory until the tenth grade (which corresponds with the age of sixteen or seventeen).

How many people are educated in Romania?

School population in Romania 2020-2021, by level of education. In the academic year 2020/2021, there were nearly 1.6 million children enrolled in primary and gymnasium education in Romania. At the same time, more than half a million people were registered for academic studies.

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What is the literacy rate of Romania?

98.84 \%
Literacy rate, adult total (\% of people ages 15 and above) in Romania was reported at 98.84 \% in 2018, according to the World Bank collection of development indicators, compiled from officially recognized sources.

What is the literacy rate in Romania?

Which country has lowest literacy rate in the world?

Lowest Literacy Rates

1. South Sudan 27.0\%
2. Afghanistan 28.1
3. Niger 28.7
4. Burkina Faso 28.7
5. Mali 33.4

What is the poverty level in Romania?

Over the period under consideration, the poverty rate in Romania peaked in 2015 at 25.4 percent. From 2017 to 2019, the poverty rate maintained relatively the same value….Poverty rate in Romania from 2007 to 2019*

Characteristic Poverty rate
2019 23.8\%
2018 23.5\%
2017 23.6\%
2016 25.3\%